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Oliver Brown PTO

Welcome to the Oliver Brown Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)! The Oliver Brown PTO plays an essential role at your child's school. Working together with the teachers and staff of Oliver Brown, the PTO enhances your child's learning experience by providing funding for technology, landscaping, family events, field trips, student recognition, teacher support, and much more. Our goal is to provide our children with the means necessary to be successful, independent, and life-long learners, all while helping produce engaged and contributing members of our community. 



The PTO is able to provide these benefits due to the combined efforts of Oliver Brown families, support from our surrounding community, and multiple fundraising opportunities.  



Being part of the PTO is fun and rewarding. Membership is FREE for any parent/guardian of an Oliver Brown student as well as any teacher, staff member, or administrator affiliated with Oliver Brown. You can choose to give as much or as little time and expertise as you are able. Some parents choose to help with one or two projects a year, while others choose to hold offices. Every little bit helps your child's school. If you are interested in learning more or helping, contact us! Follow us on Facebook @OliverBrownPTO!


Ways to get involved at Oliver Brown:

Back to School Picnic

Glow Run

Book Fairs

Meals for Parent/Teacher Conferences

Assisting with Teacher Projects

Parent Volunteers 

Lunchroom Supervisors



School Pictures

Ice Cream Social/Art Fair

Student Spirit Days

Restaurant Nights

Breakfast with Bison Buddies



PTO Meetings – 7 p.m. in the Oliver Brown Commons